Friday 9 August 2024

Pax Dei (Vatican Operatives) - Crimson Nun



Code name: Crimson Nun
Birth name: Alicia (last name unknown)
Nationality: American
Affiliation: Vatican (Pax Dei)
Known special skills: Marksmanship, Unarmed Combat, Weapon Master
Current whereabouts: Unknown

With the war dragging on, pope Pius could no longer ignore the unholy creatures that walked the earth and while maintaining a cover of neutrality, created Pax Dei, a covert military order recruiting from the Swiss guard and extraordinary devout individuals. Everything had to be off record in case things didn't work out. Feeling that someone special was needed to take the Lord's fight to a new level, it was with his blessing that Alicia was trained as a warrior nun and became the Crimson Nun.

Working alongside other Pax Dei operatives, partisans or on her own, the Crimson Nun has been the arch-nemesis of Axis supervillains and abominiations wherever they appear.

The model is an excellent resin cast from PulpWar35 and needed no additional work to look the part. Due to a protracted house move and becoming a parent, it's been about 2,5 years since I painted any figures and it was a bit of a struggle to get back into it. I haven't located the background scenery I've used for previous entries, so had to make due with a more neutral one.

Fighting off some nazi-created abominations:

Teaming up with local operative Don Camillo:


Scale: 1/35
Brand: PulpWar35
Figure reference: Nun Avenger
Material: Resin
Conversions: /
Inspiration: Crimson Nun, Warrior Nun Areala comics

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